MSNBC Contributor Hilariously Suggests Democrats Lack ‘Propaganda Arm

The irony of an incredibly ridiculous assertion made by MSNBC contributor Mehdi Hasan on Tuesday cannot be overstated. The leftist talking head asked his social media followers to imagine if American leftists had “an actual propaganda arm.”

Apparently, he is blissfully unaware of the mainstream corporate media in this country.

Hasan tweeted to consider if the left “had a nationwide messaging apparatus, an actual propaganda arm, which pumped out Jared Kushner’s name and alleged misdeeds daily, 100s of times.”

This, he declared, is equivalent to the conservative media. He referred to a “messaging imbalance” in the national media and explained this is “how [the] GOP gets away with so much.”

Has Hasan been spending time on the balcony with Hunter Biden’s attorney?

The MSNBC mouthpiece responded to a tweet in which Aaron Rupar noted that Hunter was mentioned by name “at least 104 times” before 10 a.m. on Fox News and Fox Business.

As any real journalist would know, that was due to him being in court to enter a plea deal that quickly ran off the rails. But when did honest reporting and the mainstream media have anything in common? Were news outlets supposed to ignore this event?

What Hasan and others blatantly ignore is the fact that the mainstream media is run almost completely by Democrats. A study just prior to the 2022 midterm elections showed that a staggering 87% of network news coverage was slanted against Republicans.

Another study of likely voters painting an even more grim picture for conservatives. A full 86% of likely voters said they got most of their election news from legacy media sources and not social media sites or other newer platforms.

And only 14% of respondents said the media favored Republicans.

So, who has the stranglehold on propaganda?

Hasan and others do not appreciate that the left no longer has a complete monopoly on information. The internet age and the emergence of Fox News, Newsmax, and others chipped away at the legacy networks as people searched for sources free of left-wing bias.

Note the outrage when Twitter was rescued from the clutches of management that had no problem censoring users at the request of Washington leftists.

It is laughable to assert that Democrats do not have a way of disseminating information. They just don’t have every single one, and that’s what keeps the left awake at night.