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‘Triad Of Disinformation’: Grassley Blasts FBI, Dems, ‘Partisan Media’

House Republicans hit the ground running last month, using their newfound majority power to hold hearings and launch investigations into numerous controversies involving the...

Biden Bends The Truth During State Of The Union Speech

President Joe Biden began his second State of the Union address by claiming the economy was “reeling” when he took office two years ago...

Iranian Drones To Be Produced Inside Russia

Iran and Russia have reportedly agreed to establish a joint drone manufacturing facility in Russia. This comes after the U.S. and European nations have...

The Tale Of The Great Dallas Monkey Breakout

Two monkeys went missing from the Dallas Zoo, leading to a manhunt — or should we say monkey hunt — last week when two...

CNN CEO Says Changes Must Not Upset ‘Core Audience’

Earlier this week, CNN CEO Chris Licht explained in an interview that one of the reasons the left-wing network has been slow to change...

Republicans Want Biden’s Senate Papers searched Amid Classified Document Saga

As President Joe Biden’s classified documents saga rumbles on, Senate Republicans are calling for a search of the president’s sealed Senate papers, which he...

CNN Declares Violent Atlanta Riots ‘Mostly Peaceful’

It’s like CNN just doesn’t learn. The network made a major error following the most recent riots in Atlanta. The network called the rioter’s actions...

Representative Urges National Security Damage Assessment For Biden Family

Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) called for a national security damage assessment related to actions by the Biden family after multiple troves of classified documents...

House Investigators To Demand Biden’s Secret Service Records

As more classified documents are found in President Joe Biden’s Delaware home, House investigators increasingly find straight answers difficult to get from the administration....

Musk: Feds Might ‘Weaponize’ Against Twitter Upon Trump’s Return

Reports this week indicate that former President Donald Trump is exploring the possibility of returning to Facebook and Twitter as his 2024 White House...