NRA Joins Fight Against ATF’s Rule Outlawing Pistol Braces

Federal bureaucrats are preparing to turn otherwise law-abiding gun owners into felons by unilaterally outlawing a device that has long been perfectly legal to possess.

So-called pistol braces are sometimes used by individuals with mobility issues and generally make it easier to accurately fire a handgun with one hand. As of the beginning of this month, however, a new regulation implemented by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives makes the stabilizing brace illegal to use without a valid registration.

House Republicans attempted to prevent the enforcement of this new rule, with Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) expressing outrage over what he saw as a clear overreach.

“It’s a plastic accessory,” he said of the device in April. “This thing can’t shoot a bullet. It doesn’t function like a gun. It is a plastic accessory.”

Now, the National Rifle Association is getting involved by filing a motion in court to grant a preliminary injunction against the AFT regulation.

“The NRA has consistently opposed this arbitrary attack on law-abiding gun owners on multiple fronts,” explained Wayne LaPierre, the organization’s CEO and executive vice president.”

He went on to describe the NRA as “a leader in the largest and most aggressive legal challenge to this action” with the goal of bringing “a halt to this attack” on the Second Amendment rights of its members.

Specifically, the organization is joining a lawsuit filed against the ATF and the Justice Department by the Second Amendment Foundation.

Offering its clear opposition to the language of the new restriction, the NRA’s complaint asserts: “Because of the Final Rule, the millions of Americans, including NRA members, who own a pistol and a stabilizing brace, regardless of style or caliber or type of brace, must either dispose of, alter, or register their firearms. If they guess wrong, they face the prospect of felony prosecution, 10 years in prison, and large fines.”

NRA President Charles Cotton directed his statement on the matter at everyone in the current administration — from President Joe Biden down.

“President Biden and his rogue regulators are on notice: the NRA will continue to defend its members and their constitutional freedoms – fighting this rule and the anti-Second Amendment agenda in every forum available,” he said.