Democrats Blame Heat Wave For Sky-High Gas Prices

As if we haven’t already lost enough confidence in our current president, government, and media, we’ve been given more reasons to be bitter. Most would say it’s Biden’s harmful policies, Putin, or big oil companies. CNN begs to differ, citing the heat as the issue.

The liberal media channel ran a segment and published an article online about the current heat wave and its catastrophic effects on gas prices. Essentially ignoring all of the legitimate reasons gas prices are too high in the U.S. and blaming it on something they simply cannot or change control instead.

Last year, an ABC poll found that most Americans surveyed believed Russian President Vladimir Putin was to blame for the insane gas prices. However, just as many believed the problem stemmed from the oil companies. Despite most blaming Putin and big oil, some also blamed Biden’s policies.

Today, gas prices remain a hotly debated partisan issue in Washington, D.C. Democrats blamed the ongoing war in Eastern Europe and the result of banning oil imports from Russia. Then they blamed oil companies, who they said prioritized profits over the well-being of Americans.

Republicans point out that gas prices were rising even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They instead point the finger at the president’s energy policies. The policies have hindered the oil companies from being able to ramp up production and lower prices.

Before the ban on Russian oil imports, only around 8% of U.S. petroleum products came from the communist country. The largest exporter of these products to the U.S. is Canada. In 2019, crude oil imports from Canada accounted for 56% of all crude imports to America.

CNN reported that “an unexpected consequence of this summer’s historic heat wave” is making “life more expensive for drivers.” Something Democrats are hoping Americans will forget is that Biden’s anti-oil and gas policies began immediately once he took office. It’s not difficult to connect those dots.

He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline’s border permit and enacted a moratorium on oil and gas lease sales on Federal land. His Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland, repealed an order that set a goal of “American Energy Independence.” It’s been clear from the start that the Biden administration has set out to kill the oil industry.

According to the heavily-influenced media, sky-high gas prices are simply a result of soaring temperatures. Stating that “when temperatures soar to 100 or even 110 degrees Fahrenheit, facilities aren’t able to churn out all the gasoline needed to consumers.”

However, we can’t forget Biden’s Executive Order that targeted the energy industry. Which pushed “ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy while simultaneously advancing sustainable development and a green recovery.” AKA, leveraging power to attack oil and gas producers and subsidizing favored industries.

Everything from electric stoves to electric vehicles, the Biden administration has made a significant (negative) impact on America’s ability to produce energy. His administration and Congressional Democrats have taken 150+ actions designed to hit U.S. energy production where it hurts.