Teacher Exposes White Privilege, CRT Curriculum

North Carolina Republicans are trying to pass a bill banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools. The House passed a bill in March and sent it to the Senate. Accuracy in Media published an undercover video of teachers confirming they do teach white privilege and CRT in North Carolina schools and how they cloak it so that parents don’t “figure it out.”

Sherry Barnett in Rockingham County, who admitted they teach “systemic racism” and “social justice”, explains it’s all about wording:

“We haven’t had any major complaints about what’s being taught… Yes, it’s wording. Yeah. Because, in this area, if you say ‘privilege’ it does immediately give some people that negative feeling.” Barnett added that they went through it a few years ago with parents and now they are deceptively “very careful with wording”.

Conservatives argue CRT promotes division and a distorted view of American history. Critics claim that focusing on race and systemic oppression perpetuates a victimhood narrative among students — undermining the value of individual merit and personal responsibility.

It oversimplifies complex social issues and reduces individuals to mere victims or oppressors based on race. They argue an overemphasis on white privilege neglects other factors contributing to social dynamics. Furthermore, critics express concerns about the impact of CRT on education.

They feel CRT promotes a singular perspective rooted in identity politics, potentially stifling intellectual diversity and critical thinking. It also discourages open and honest discussions by prioritizing indoctrination over objective learning.

The inclusion of a white-privilege curriculum in our schools has faced serious backlash because it facilitates a hostile environment, demonizes certain racial groups, and perpetuates division rather than unity. Focusing solely on white privilege can alienate white students, generating feelings of guilt, shame, or resentment.

It glazes over individual experiences and ignores the diverse struggles and achievements of all Caucasians, thus demonizing them. As the bill progresses through the legislative process, proponents and opponents closely monitor the developments.

The outcome in North Carolina could set a precedent for other states grappling with similar debates over the inclusion of CRT and white privilege in education.