Toronto Jewelry Store Owner Fights Off Masked Robbers With Broomstick

A Toronto jewelry store owner bravely defended his business using only a broomstick when three masked thieves attempted a violent smash-and-grab robbery. Jerry Sorani, the owner of Jewellery Forever in Markham, refused to let criminals steal from his store without a fight.

On October 3, surveillance footage captured the terrifying moment when three masked suspects entered Sorani’s store. One of them began smashing a glass display case with a hammer, but Sorani immediately grabbed a broomstick and struck one of the robbers multiple times. The quick-thinking store owner’s actions caused all three suspects to flee the scene.

“I just got up and said, ‘No, it’s not going to happen here,'” Sorani told CBC News. Sorani, who immigrated to Canada from Iraq three decades ago, said his instinct to protect his livelihood kicked in without hesitation.

Despite police advising against engaging with criminals, Sorani expressed no regret for defending his store. “If I hadn’t acted, they would think they could do this to anyone,” he explained. Sorani admitted he feared facing legal consequences more than the thieves themselves, which is why he aimed only to scare them off rather than harm them.

York Regional Police are continuing to investigate the attempted robbery, but no arrests have been made. Police have urged business owners to prioritize their safety during such incidents. “You never know what someone is capable of or willing to do,” Const. James Dickson warned.

The robbery attempt comes amid a surge in smash-and-grab crimes targeting jewelry stores across the Greater Toronto Area. York Region saw 14 jewelry store robberies in 2024, doubling from seven the previous year. This spike in crime has left many business owners worried about their safety.

In response, Sorani has taken extra security measures by keeping his store locked at all times, even during business hours. “In 25 years, I’ve never had to lock my doors,” Sorani said. “It’s sad that this is what it has come to.”

Sorani’s brave stand has gained widespread attention online, sparking praise for his courage and drawing attention to the growing concerns about rising crime in the community.