In an unexpected moment caught on live television, Texas security guard Percy Payne resigned from his position after being blamed by his employer for an assault by two attempted carjackers. The incident, initially captured on surveillance, took place at an office complex where Payne was completing his shift.
Last Monday evening, Payne, employed by Priebe Security, noticed two individuals entering a private underground garage. “I witnessed two young Hispanic males on two electric scooters,” Payne told KTBC. Upon checking the garage, he found the suspects attempting to break into his personal vehicle. “One individual was at my driver’s door with his back to me, looking back. The other individual was at my passenger door facing me, being a lookout,” he recounted.
When the suspects saw Payne, they fled, prompting him to chase them. The situation escalated as the suspects turned violent. “A young individual tried to run me over with his scooter multiple times,” Payne said. The attack intensified with one suspect attempting to stab him with a screwdriver. Payne managed to call 911, though the first dispatcher refused to send help, stating no theft had occurred. It took a second dispatcher and an hour-long wait for an officer to respond, who confirmed it should have been treated as an emergency.
Days later, during an interview with KTBC, Payne’s supervisor confronted him, criticizing him for wearing his uniform during the interview. The confrontation peaked when Payne asked if he was to blame for the incident. His supervisor replied, “I would say yes, every bit of it,” prompting Payne to quit on the spot.
Following the incident, Priebe Security issued a statement: “We’re in the process of gathering details. We have been made aware of it and are looking into the situation.”
Public opinion on the matter has been split. Some viewers sympathized with Payne, criticizing his supervisor’s harsh response. Others noted that security personnel are typically trained to observe and report rather than engage physically. One critic noted, “Every security job trains you to disengage when the offenders disengage. Security aren’t cops, you never chase once the offenders try to leave.” Another stated, “Security guards are NOT COPS, they are only supposed to get physical in self-defense. The guard got physical first and broke protocol.”
The debate highlights ongoing concerns about the roles and responsibilities of security personnel in potentially dangerous situations.